40 Best Sobriety Quotes That Will Inspire You to Overcome Substance Abuse

Self-love is one of the most important steps for recovering addicts to achieve because it is oftentimes one of the root causes of addiction. Self-love involves accepting your flaws as a human being by letting go of internally held biases and allowing yourself to find happiness within instead of through material means. Everyday people aren’t the only ones who struggle with addiction. If you need more evidence that you’re not alone, here are some testimonials from familiar faces who have battled drug or alcohol abuse, and succeeded. Many people don’t realize that they have an addiction to a substance until they try to quit. One of the harshest realities is to acknowledge that you have an addiction.

  • Our goal is to better understand people’s struggles and the rewards they can achieve through sustained effort and commitment to recovery.
  • You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” -Martin Luther King Jr.
  • With hope, we evolve more strongly, and by communicating that resilience through sobriety quotes, we inspire others to see a more optimistic future alongside us.
  • When your thoughts become negative, recognize that they are just thoughts, not reality.
  • Alcohol is a very dangerous substance to stop where an alcohol dependence has formed.

To help you stay motivated on your road to recovery, we rounded up some inspirational quotes to remind you that you’re not alone in your struggles and that you’ve got this. Overcoming addiction isn’t a “one-and-done” situation. You don’t get magically better one day, never to be tempted by your addictions and vices ever again. Instead, sobriety is a process that you must renew every day, and some days are going to be tougher than others. No matter whether you’ve just kicked the habit or are several years clean, there are going to be tough times that tempt you to go back to your bad habits.

The Healthy

If you are worried that you may have a substance, alcohol, or behavioral addiction then help is available. Visit our rehab directory today to find addiction https://ecosoberhouse.com/ treatment near you or call the below number to discuss your options. Recovering from addiction requires great fortitude and perseverance.

You may find it difficult to keep your thoughts from becoming negative—life isn’t perfect after all—but you shouldn’t try to fight it. When your thoughts become negative, recognize that they are just thoughts, not reality. Seeing negativity in this way will help you let go of it in favor of more positive thoughts. Recovery quotes can help you stay on track and boost your motivation. Addiction is a progressive, chronic, relapsing disease. It doesn’t mean that everyone in recovery is destined to relapse, but it does mean that if you do relapse, you shouldn’t see it as a failure.

Overcoming addiction quotes

The pictures on the internet of you being a drunk asshole are forever. I’ve taken these quotes from various pieces of my writing on various platforms. Get up to speed on research-based tools that can help you motivate your child to change. Add the Sunday newsletter to your weekly routine.

sobriety sayings

The weight of the past can be particularly heavy to a person in recovery. You do things to facilitate drug use that you would never have done otherwise, and your friends and family may start to feel like they don’t even know you anymore. Recovery is a lifelong journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. Managing addiction requires sober as a sayings you to make a thousand different changes in yourself, in your outlook, and in your environment. Delamere is the UK’s only purpose built addiction treatment and behavioural wellness facility. We specialise in the medical detoxification and bespoke rehabilitation from all manner of addictive substances, including alcohol and drugs.

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Fail because you didn’t work hard enough — not because you got a DUI. Lose friends because you’re an asshole — not a sloppy drunk. Have control over your life — even over the mistakes. There is not a single area of my life that didn’t improve when I stopped drinking.

So many are beginning to share what recovery means to them. I hope ideas from others will inspire you to keep moving forward. Our sons and daughters have worked hard to turn their lives around.

Sobriety Calculator

And so many people drink with the intention of getting to the point where they will act in a way that is destructive. But this doesn’t prevent people from using alcohol as an excuse. I always hated it when people would excuse my shitty behavior by saying, “Oh, you were just drunk”. Alcohol prevents you from truly feeling the positive things in life.

sobriety sayings

With plenty of drug cues all around us, it’s difficult to go a day without craving a puff or sip of your favorite drug. Among those are notable celebrities like Robert Downey Jr., Angelina Jolie, Daniel Radcliffe, and Jennifer Aniston. One way to overcome alcohol or drug addiction is by arming yourself with sobriety quotes. Sobriety quotes can come in handy whenever drug cravings strike.

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